
How To Find No Of Cpu In Linux Server

Know how much an private procedure or arrangement-wide consume CPU or retention.

As a sysadmin, you often have to deal with an incident where the application is slow or unresponsive due to high CPU/memory/network utilization. If the server host only one process, then information technology'south easy to find out when the process consumes all the resources. Yet, imagine a shared server where multiple services are running, and you need to discover which ane is eating all the resources.

In that location are many monitoring software which does this out of the box. Just if yous don't have 1 or looking for a control-based solution, and then here you go. They are all Costless!


You may want to start by looking into tiptop or htop result to see the processes overview.

As y'all tin can run into beneath, it gives an excellent idea virtually what all processes are utilizing. If you wait at the commencement one, which is MySQL is taking 11.9% of CPU and ii.five% of CPU.

          tiptop - eleven:57:33 up 0 min,  1 user,  load boilerplate: three.69, 0.96, 0.32 Tasks: 165 total,   2 running, 113 sleeping,   0 stopped,   0 zombie %Cpu(s): 21.0 us,  5.5 sy,  0.0 ni, seventy.v id, wa,  0.0 hi,  1.iii si,  0.0 st KiB Mem :  7637308 total,  5802888 free,   849512 used,   984908 buff/enshroud KiB Swap:        0 total,        0 free,        0 used.  6495648 avail Mem     PID USER      PR  NI    VIRT    RES    SHR South  %CPU %MEM     Fourth dimension+ Control                                                                                                          1986 netdata   20   0 1738856 191560  22948 Southward  eleven.6  2.five mysqld                                                                                                           3021 world wide web-data  twenty   0  255288  78420  55484 S   6.half-dozen  i.0   0:01.55 php-fpm                                                                                                          3138 world wide web-data  20   0  253096  79780  59228 South   6.half dozen  one.0   0:00.92 php-fpm                                                                                                          3153 www-data  xx   0  255116  79088  56472 S   5.0  one.0   0:00.70 php-fpm                                                                                                          3037 world wide web-data  20   0  257200  81088  56216 S   4.3  ane.1   0:01.l php-fpm                                                                                                          3048 www-data  twenty   0  257088  78740  55380 S   4.3  i.0   0:01.46 php-fpm                                                                                                          3054 www-data  twenty   0  254160  72168  52108 S   three.7  0.9   0:01.32 php-fpm                                                                                                          3135 www-information  20   0  255084  75912  54836 S  1.0   0:00.91 php-fpm                                                                                                          3051 www-data  20   0  254096  73804  51964 Southward   3.0  1.0   0:01.38 php-fpm                                                                                                          2962 www-data  xx   0   45280   7284   3488 R   2.0  0.1   0:00.22 openresty                                                                                                        1062 netdata   twenty   0  338748  76144   6720 S   1.0  i.0   0:01.31 netdata                                                                                                          1702 netdata   twenty   0   21852   4232   2352 S   1.0  0.1   0:00.34 apps.plugin                                                                                                      1729 netdata   xx   0   18636   3280   2764 S  0.0   0:00.05 bash                                                                                                             1980 netdata   20   0   62008  12896   5796 S   0.vii  0.two   0:00.fourteen redis-server                                                                                                       xi root      twenty   0       0      0      0 I   0.3  0.0   0:00.xiv rcu_sched                                                                                                        1007 root      20   0 1347424  74524  38872 S   0.3  1.0   0:00.92 dockerd                                                                                                          1857 root      20   0   10600   5564   4276 Southward   0.3   0:00.03 containerd-shim                                                                                                  2045 root      twenty   0    9948   6028   5016 Southward   0.iii  0.1   0:00.14 forego                                                                                                           2934 root      twenty   0   13616   8760   5928 S   0.iii   0:00.07 docker-gen                                                                                                       2966 systemd+  xx   0   25784   7924   2340 S   0.3  0.ane   0:00.06 nginx        

The pinnacle is installed on nigh all Linux distribution.

Once you place the suspect, and so you may want to focus on that process instead of everything like y'all saw above. Y'all can however use top command but with some argument.

Let's say you know the procedure id (PID); you can use the below command.

elevation -p $PID

Below an instance of top -p 3102

          tiptop - 11:59:56 up 3 min,  one user,  load average: 0.72, 0.70, 0.31 Tasks:   ane full,   0 running,   1 sleeping,   0 stopped,   0 zombie %Cpu(s):  7.1 us,  2.9 sy,  0.0 ni, 89.i id,  0.3 wa,  0.0 hi,  0.7 si,  0.0 st KiB Mem :  7637308 total,  5802024 costless,   783672 used,  1051612 buff/cache KiB Swap:        0 full,        0 free,        0 used.  6555636 avail Mem     PID USER      PR  NI    VIRT    RES    SHR S  %CPU %MEM     TIME+ COMMAND                                                                                                          3102 www-data  20   0  329500  82376  60640 S   0.0  1.i   0:03.35 php-fpm        

You may also use grep with meridian. Beneath an example of checking Docker utilization.

          [email protected]:~# superlative | grep docker  1007 root      20   0 1347424  74524  38872 S   0.3  1.0   0:01.38 dockerd                                                                                                          2934 root      twenty   0   14676   9652   5928 S   0.3  0.1   0:00.54 docker-gen                                                                                                       1007 root      20   0 1347424  74524  38872 South   0.3  1.0   0:01.39 dockerd                                                                                                          1007 root      twenty   0 1347424  74524  38872 S   1.0  1.0   0:01.42 dockerd                                                                                                          2934 root      xx   0   14740   9652   5928 S   0.3  0.ane   0:00.55 docker-gen                                                                                                       2934 root      20   0   14740   9652   5928 S   0.3  0.1   0:00.56 docker-gen        


Similar to the top but with more information. As yous tin, it got the command column, which is handy to place the process path. And besides it is colorful.

htop may not be installed by default, but you tin can e'er practice information technology as below.

Install htop on Ubuntu

          apt-get install htop        

Install htop on CentOS/RHEL 8.ten

          dnf install dnf update dnf install htop        


As the proper name says, you lot get a system utilization view on a single screen. Running processes are sorted past their CPU utilization.

Y'all can install glances on CentOS viii using DNF every bit beneath.

          dnf install glances        

for CentOS7, you can utilize YUM

          yum install glances        


A like to the to a higher place listed but with a vivid feature to record the output in a file so you tin can view them after. Imagine at that place is a pattern of having an issue at a specific fourth dimension window. Yous can schedule to write the output in a file through crontab or other, and afterward you can playback.

To record the output in a file:

          atop -w filename        

and, to playback:

          atop -r filename        

Information technology supports multiple arguments like interval, samples, etc. and I would strongly recommend taking a wait at the man page.

If y'all are just interested in existent-time troubleshooting, so just execute atop and you should see like below.

You can install atop as below.

          dnf install atop        


Let'south check ps command now.

You can use the ps command with PID to impress their CPU and retentiveness utilization.

          ps -p $PID -o %cpu,%mem        

The output should look similar this.

          [email protected]:~# ps -p 1048 -o %cpu,%mem %CPU %MEM  0.2  3.0 [electronic mail protected]:~#        


Interactive command-line monitoring tool for CPU, retentivity, disks, network, NFS, and virtual retention utilization. To view the top process (by utilization), y'all tin execute nmon and press t button.

Y'all can install nmon as below.

          dnf install nmon        


Monit is a spider web-based and command-line open-source solution to monitor server resources, daemons, files, directory, file systems, etc.

Monit too got a absurd widget.

Its light-weight monitoring software. Only, in that location is more to explore here.


A lightweight open-source utility to monitor the Linux server. Monitorix got in-built HTTP so you can check the utilization and other stuff on the web. Some of the other usage reports include:

  • Kernal/temperature
  • Filesystem and I/O
  • Network traffic
  • Apache/Post/FTP/Nginx
  • MySQL/Varnish/Memcached

Monitorix also offers alert configuration then you lot can become notified when things are not right. It volition exist a practiced choice when you are managing deject-based servers and looking for a proactive monitoring solution.


Netdata is a real-time performance monitoring for organization resource, applications, web servers, databases, DNS, mail, hardware sensors, and a lot more. It is open-source and getting started is easy. All the data is collected, stored, and streamed for you to visualize interactively. Information is collected every second, so you never miss annihilation.

Loved by many manufacture leaders.

So what you are waiting for, try and have command of your Linux servers.


I hope the above tools help you to visualize the server utilization in real-fourth dimension and so y'all can accept necessary action. If you but started as a system administrator and looking to get hands-on training, then check out this Udemy form.


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